Notatka z webinarium ERA

Webinarium ERA 30.06.2021
Prezes PSBW, Małgorzata Felicka, wzięła udział w webinarium ERA w dniu 30.06.20.
W trakcie sesji zostały wręczone nagrody ERA, tym razem wirtualnie.
Serdecznie gratulujemy wszystkim zwycięzcom.
Ponadto zaprezentowano sytuację na rynku wynajmu w Europie wywołaną Covid-19 i
przedstawiono prognozy na Q3 i Q4 2020 r. oraz prognozę na 2021 I kolejne lata.
Materiały z webinarium zostaną opubliowane w sieci.
W porozumieniu z członkami PSBW przed webinarium wysłane zostały następujące
odpowiedzi na ankietę przygotowaną przez ERA:
– Market sizing:
– Rental activity  expressed as a percentage of last year’s figures on each month of Q2
2020 compared to Q2 2019 or, alternatively and as a summary, the total of Q2.
Sorry we are not able to accurately answer this question, as we do not have access to
the data. We can only have a feeling. Our feeling is that  the total turnover in Q2 was
down by 10-20% caused to the equal extent by the stopped investments and by the
drop in the rental rates. However Events were seriously down.
– Forecast for rental activity on global Q3 2020 vs Q3 2019- The same as in the case of the
previous question i.e. no precise data available, but we think there will be a drop of 10-20%
in respect to Q3 2019, and a substantial drop in the Events totals.
– Impact of COVID-19 on trends: how would you qualify the impact on: (You could either
qualify on strong, medium, weak, no impact and/or better elaborate)-             
– Digitalisation (in general)- strong
– E-learning & E-training – strong
– Home office – strong
– Online payment – no impact
– Rental platforms – weak
– Other trends:- online rental contracting, online off-hire and online invoicing
– Impact of COVID-19 on future Products and Services on: (You could either qualify on strong,
medium, weak, no impact and/or better elaborate)
– Diversification of products – weak at the time but may be medium in the future
– Diversification of services – no impact
– Investments in greener equipment – week
– Other impacts: bigger awareness of safety and hygiene rules amongst managers,
workers and customers, less travelling expenses  to in-house training and meetings as
replaced by virtual.

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